
Sunday 29 December 2013

End Of The Line?

And so we have reached the end of another year. Highlights from the past twelve months are being compiled everywhere you look and there is a sense of expectation for what we hope will occur in the next twelve months.

It is now almost three years since I made my first faltering remarks on this blog and after nearly one-hundred-and-fifty Sundays I’m starting to wonder if this might be the beginning of the end. Perhaps I ought instead to consider this a sabbatical of sorts. Daft as it sounds I cannot quite imagine not writing on here, it has become such a regular fixture of my week.

This blog has been a personal success and admittedly also a selfish experience. Crafting these bits and pieces of stories has given me a great deal of pleasure, but has probably been less of a delight for the unfortunate souls who may have stumbled accidentally upon my haphazard creations.

Over the past three years I have written more consistently than I had in any of the years previously. Now, however, I feel like attempting the next challenge – writing that novella. I did not consider when I set myself this goal back in November that ending my blog might be a consequence.

After some thought, however, I came to realise that the quality of any writing I would produce in the next twelve months would probably deteriorate. I don’t know if I have any readers, or if I’m only talking to myself, but still I don’t want to waste anyone’s time by posting rubbish week on week.

For the next twelve months, therefore, I shall be working at that novella. Hopefully this year’s resolution will be as much fun to complete as the one I made here three years ago. If you have, at any point, taken the trouble to read my meagre scribbles then you deserve a hearty thank you. If I did bribe you with cake to read this blog, then I shall probably be providing similar edible incentives to read draft chapters in the coming year.

But, for now at least, I shall bid you adieu.

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