
Sunday 6 October 2013

Morning Shadows II...

There wasn’t supposed to be a continuation of this story as the first part seemed to me to form a neat unit on its own. Yet I found myself writing more and so more there will be.

Isobel was kneeling over the suspect and securing the cuffs around his wrists by the time she heard Thorne’s hand-made Italian shoes beating a path towards them. The expensive leather was scuffed and soiled, and knowing how much this would bother him she felt mildly appeased. Though she hadn’t welcomed his interference, she grudgingly admitted to herself that his timely intervention had prevented her from losing the suspect. As she yanked the man none too gently to his feet she shot a conciliatory smile in Thorne’s direction. She was surprised to see an answering bite of temper hardening his features.

“What the fuck was that?” She fought hard not to recoil from the sharp edge of his anger. “What the fuck was that Isobel? You hare off after a suspect – who could have been armed – without alerting your partner.  You put not only your own life at risk, but also the security of this case, through your recklessness.”

This was why getting entangled with another cop was a mistake, she reminded herself, it made every damn thing sticky by association.

“Back off Thorne. Just because we did the naked tango once it doesn’t give you the right to –”

“This has nothing to do with any personal feelings I may have held for you and everything to do with your ability as a cop.” Panic hit her like a bucket of frozen water. Mind blank she released her grip on the witness and swallowed back the bile that scratched at her throat. The reprimand was a threat to her very identity. If they took her badge then she didn’t know what would be left. “The Brass considered pulling you off this case, you know. They’ve heard about your erratic behaviour these past weeks. You’re not doing the job anymore. You’re jumpy and unfocused. Reckless. You hesitate before walking onto a crime scene.” Her ears were buzzing and she found herself unable to form a defence. “Your last big case was tough, I get it. But if you continue to refuse to see the department shrink and then go out there and mess it up, then you’re just asking to be pulled off active duty.”

“Thorne, I –” She hated the tremble in her voice that came from desperation. He had pulled the rug from under her feet by giving her a dressing down in front of a suspect and at a crime scene. Yet she felt the impact of his words more because she knew that he was right.

“The Captain and I, we went to bat for you Isobel. Don’t make me regret my decision.” There was nothing easygoing or charming about him now as he pinned her with a hard stare. He rarely flaunted his position and authority, but now she felt the full weight of it. “For now we’ll just pretend that we’re so in tune that I saw your signal to back you up. But if you pull a stunt like that again I’m not going to bother protecting your ass. Understood?”

He didn’t even bother to wait for her answer, turning abruptly on a smart heel and striding away, confident that he had made his point. For a moment she could only watch his back impotently. She felt shaken and vulnerable after having her weakness laid out before her. She wanted to ball her hands into fists and curse him in fury, but she felt only the empty ache of being in the wrong.

She was a cop first and foremost though, so she would pull it together and bring in her witness.

“Son of a bitch.” She huffed a weary sigh as she noticed that the witness had taken advantage of Thorne’s lecture and was creeping slowly away in an attempt at escape. “Take another step moron and I’ll shoot you in the leg and it’ll be the last painless step you take for quite a while. I’m in a real pisser of a mood right now, so don’t doubt that I’ll do it.” That made him pause. Marching over she secured him in a strong grip.

“Your boyfriend slapped you around good and proper back there.” He tried for sympathy, his smile marred by blood stained teeth. “My mama always said that’s no way to talk to a lady.” He had conveniently forgotten his own choice words for her several minutes before.

“Save it Romeo.” She managed to muster up a sneer, despite the dull throb in her leg that was beginning to make itself known. Pride was the only thing that stopped her limping away from the dirty alley and after Thorne.

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