
Sunday 6 January 2013

My Favourites

Try as we might we all apply some form of favouritism to our lives. For me this can be a particular fondness for a character, or a sentence that somehow miraculously says what I wanted it to say. Having now reached the somewhat unexpected milestone of one hundred posts I feel the sentimental need to reminisce about some of these past favourites.
A Medieval Tile Picture Gallery – because you must be mad if you don’t like tiles!
The Raindrop – with an alarming tendency to overwrite this was a lesson that simplicity is often more effective.
The Heretic’s Curse – the one short story I’ve managed to successfully complete so far.
Roaring Twenties – an idea with which I got a little carried away.
Fifty Shades of Darkness – a title calculatingly designed to increase traffic, but a character that I wouldn’t hesitate to use again.

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