
Sunday 11 November 2012

Digging For The Future...

“It’ll be magnificent.” The apprentice breathed reverently. The boy’s mind was filled with images of towering piers, painted frescoes and gilded mosaics. They were building a masterpiece, the likes of which had never been seen before on this small and rainy island. His imagination overflowed with the myriad colours and textures of his native homeland. How these drab foreigners would flock to admire such an exotic creation. His dreams took on the colour of gold. The wealth and recognition such an endeavour would undoubtedly bring might just be enough to impress a certain dark-eyed beauty.

“Alessandro...Alessandro!” His master called impatiently, startling the boy from his thoughts. He opened his eyes and regarded the scowling architect with dazed confusion. The tall man cradled the distinctive rolls of parchment in the crook of one arm, whilst in his free hand he held a simple spade. “Stop dawdling boy. The foundations won’t dig themselves.” The boy reached for the spade. With a sigh of disappointment his shoulders slumped forward and he scuffed his feet across the earth. The spade was a painful reminder that he was not an architect yet. His young body was instead well suited to the labour of many hours hard digging. The master turned back to him thoughtfully, a knowing smile creasing his dark face.

“And Alessandro - This building has taken many years to create and will take many more to finish. In time it will be you who will be the architect to complete this great work. Dig well now and you will provide the groundwork on which to create something truly magnificent.” The boy felt purpose filling his very being and with new enthusiasm dashed towards the other labourers, spade resting purposefully over one shoulder.

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