
Sunday 5 August 2012

Fifty Shades Of Darkness IV...

She did not back down or look as frightened as Harker felt she ought. But then, he had to remind himself, she was not like the average females of his acquaintance.

“What is it that makes me think that you speak from experience?” The intensity of her stare made him feel like he was being pried apart by one of his sharply honed instruments. “You crossed that line once, didn’t you? And you’re regretting it now. That’s why you’re here. That’s why you do all this.” She flapped her free hand vaguely to encompass the street behind them.

Harker met the shocked and probing gaze of the sheriff over Kathryn’s shoulder. Sharply he let go of her wrist. It was the wrong thing to do. Triumph flashed across her face, curving her lips dangerously. Uneasily he could not suppress the feeling that she now possessed information about him that she would exploit to her own advantage in the future.

“We will not be able to investigate Emma’s murder if you interfere.” Rowntree said, saving his friend from further uncomfortable revelations. There was a gradual softening of her features as her eyes flicked to where two soldiers were covering the sad remains of the girl she had cherished as a younger sister.

“Very well. I will not try to involve myself in your investigation.” Her easy capitulation caused Harker to question suspiciously the careful phrasing of her reply. Rowntree was also frowning, but suddenly he was hailed by one of his sergeants who was hurriedly crossing the street towards them.

“Sheriff Rowntree, sir. It’s Master Goldsmith, he -” The sheriff broke him off with the wave of his hand. Harker realised that his friend’s natural mistrust of Kathryn had simply been heightened by her personal interest in the case.

The sheriff stepped out of earshot, though Kathryn’s gaze continued to track his movements as the solider relayed the message. She seemed entirely absorbed in the scene and so her seemingly idle words startled Harker.

“I would watch my back if I were you.”

“Are you threatening me?” As he stepped forward aggressively she leant back, their movements a well timed dance.

“Tut tut.” She mocked, a few wisps of hair escaping as she tossed her head. “It is not me that you need to be concerned with, but the man who is making enquiries about you. I’m merely suggesting that you take a few extra precautions.”

“Who is he? What does he want?” Harker demanded roughly, fighting the urge to physically wring the information out of Kathryn.

“He has only the one agenda.” She answered cryptically. “When you are in need of help, come to me.”

“And why should I trust you?”

“You shouldn’t.” She acknowledged. “But my house is a place of refuge for those who are seeking to escape their past.”

Despite his advantage in height and strength she made him feel strangely impotent. He found his rigidly disciplined self-control tested by her presence. Her enigmatic words and smiles challenged him, whilst he felt constantly wrong-footed by her detailed knowledge of him.

“I don’t like games Mistress Lacy.”

It was only as the sheriff nodded a last instruction to the sergeant that Kathryn finally turned her full attention to the surgeon.

“That is only because you’ve never played mine before.” There was something almost licentious in the way she had twisted his words. Those peculiar pale eyes and changeling face made her decidedly unattractive and yet curiously compelling. Disturbed by his response to her, he made only a non-committal reply, uncertain once more of her exact meaning.

He was struggling to retain his typical cool demeanour when, without even a word of farewell, she simply strolled away. There was a coquettish sway to her hips that he found himself unintentionally watching for half a moment. Eventually he caught himself and turned to face the exasperated disapproval of his friend.

“Did she tell you anything useful?”

“No.” He said shortly, unwilling to divulge just how thoroughly the exchange had shaken him and how close he was to losing everything he had worked for.

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