
Sunday 1 July 2012

In Bloom

Pennyroyal is, from what I understand, a native plant to Britain. It is a member of the mint family and so was used in the past for making tea. Its Latin name mentha pulegium comes from pulex meaning ‘flea’. This was due to its properties as an insect-repellent. The leaves today are used in cosmetics and can be taken (with due caution) internally as an infusion for digestive complaints.

Far from green-fingered I was doubtful that this herb would survive my company for a fortnight let alone four months. Much to my surprise, however, not only does it continue to live, (I hesitate to say thrive), but this week it has also begun to flower. As I was unconvinced that these delicate summer flowers would ever appear on my admittedly small and straggly charge I am beyond delighted at this success.

Mentha Pulegium, Pennyroyal

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