
Saturday 29 January 2011

An Author’s Note

For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to be a writer. However I’ve realised that I cannot keep telling people I’m an aspiring writer if I don’t actually write anything! Well…I write a lot of academic essays and presentations but I doubt that actually counts.

And so here I am. A sort of secondary new year’s resolution, having failed my first batch. The aim of this blog is quite simply then to encourage me to write as frequently as possible, perhaps posting a continuous story. Making my excuses early, there of course might be times when writer’s block strikes or when essay deadlines call. Perhaps then I might just report the odd funny medieval fact that comes my way. Such as, Saint Hugh of Lincoln had a pet swan. Fascinating stuff!

I have little expectation that anyone will read this, except perhaps for a few dedicated friends, who will of course be bribed with cake to do so. But I hope that this experience will give me the encouragement to spend my spare 10 minutes constructing metaphors about my protagonist’s eyes, rather than staring idly out the window.

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